With apologies to David Ives

JILL: Words words words, it’s always words.

JACK: You are the most wonderful word at this party.

JILL: And then words words.

JACK: You have a word that surrounds you.

JILL: Every time I hear the word “words” it’s like a magic incantation. An open sesame.

JACK: Words, I say to her.

JILL: Abracadabra.

JACK: My word is Words.

JILL: And I expect a whole new word to open up in front of me, full of words.

JACK: Hello words.

JILL: And then words goodbye.


Now read this

I Will Come Back - Pablo Neruda

I Will Come Back (Pablo Neruda) Some time, man or woman, traveler, afterwards, when I am not alive, look here, look for me here between the stones and the ocean, in the light storming in the foam. Look here, look for me here, for here is... Continue →