With apologies to David Ives

JILL: Words words words, it’s always words.

JACK: You are the most wonderful word at this party.

JILL: And then words words.

JACK: You have a word that surrounds you.

JILL: Every time I hear the word “words” it’s like a magic incantation. An open sesame.

JACK: Words, I say to her.

JILL: Abracadabra.

JACK: My word is Words.

JILL: And I expect a whole new word to open up in front of me, full of words.

JACK: Hello words.

JILL: And then words goodbye.


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Why a code camp saved my life

In the days leading up to graduation, I found myself battling a heart-wrenching sadness over the prospect of having to say good-bye to my cohort. Final projects had been a kind of sampling of what that was going to feel like as we... Continue →